LA Ronda D. Barnes
Preacher, Author, theologian, and Pastor of Affirmation Church,
A church without walls
Tedx: Imagine Peace: Pádraig Ó Tuama | TEDxStormont:
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."
The Gospel of John 10:10 (New Revised Standard Version)
“Create in Me”
Create in me-
an open space where
love can flourish…
a hopeful heart which
sees possibilities…
a courageous spirit which
dares to dream and to
believe in those dreams…
Grant me
a wise perspective which
allows for new knowledge,
which welcomes change…
a loving outlook which
views every living thing
as a divine creation of
inestimable worth…
a deep and abiding awareness
of the connectedness of
all of life- and help me to see, not my
insignificance, but my glory.
“Create in Me,” Linda Faltin, New Day Dawning: Everyday Encounters with the Holy, 119.
Reflection Pieces
Gospel of Curiosity - Part II:
Gently Poking the Bear