LA Ronda D. Barnes

Preacher, Author, theologian, and Pastor  of Affirmation Church,

          A church without walls

Wells in the Wilderness is a story with humor, joy, sadness, and more than a touch of sarcasm. It is a story about how one woman lost what she thought to be her life in order to gain her life. It is a story about finding faith in self through finding faith in God.

In this memoir, Pastor La Ronda uses the ancient story of Hagar, Sarah, and Abraham as a template for the stages of her life and the ways in which she found life in a 21st century society. Viewing each of the three characters as metaphors, she takes us on a journey exploring who she believed herself to be, who she became through the words and deeds of others and, how she finally became who she was created to be.

Whether or not you believe in God this story will encourage you to identify, own, and take pride in your story and to recognize the hope, wisdom, and love to be found in the stories of others, including the people of your past. It will open your mind and your heart to losing your life in order to gain your life, starting here and now.  

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